
Surat Resign

Jakarta, 7 Januari 2012 Kepada Yth. Bpk. Recky Gohoputera Sales Manager Rubber Lining PT. Bando Indonesia Dengan hormat, Bersama surat ini saya mengajukan permohonan mengundurkan diri sebagai karyawan PT. Bando Indonesia terhitung tanggal : 29 Pebruari 2012. Saya menghaturkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan untuk belajar dan bekerja di PT. Bando Indonesia sebagai Staff Technical selama kurang lebih tiga bulan ini. Tak lupa saya mohon maaf kepada seluruh karyawan serta jajaran manajemen PT. Bando Indonesia  apabila terdapat hal-hal yang tidak baik yang telah saya lakukan selama bekerja di PT. Bando Indonesia. Semoga  PT. Bando Indonesia menjadi perusahaan yang terus maju dan berkembang dan mendapatkan yang terbaik Hormat saya, Semuel Patampang, ST.


HOT BONDING PROCESS I.     SURFACE PREPARATION Substrate surface to be lined is inspected visually before shot blasted. Any defects like welding imperfection, under cut and uneven surface to be rectified to get uniform lining. Blasting, all surface to be lined  shall be blasted in accordance wit h SSPC SP-10/Sa 2.1/2 to ensure that surface is clean and free from rusts and scales. Finally, the blasted surface is cleaned with solvent to get rid of dust, dirt and foreign particles, if any. II.      ADHESIVE APPLICATION . The primer is applied to be blasted surface to assist metal to rubber bonding dry time for the primer is 1 hour (minimum) up to 96 hours (self life). 2. After primer is completely dried, bonding agent ( Adhesive ) is applied to the surface. Dry time for the adhesive is 1 hour (minimum) up to 48 hours (self life). 3. Finally, a layer of rubber based adhesive is applied on the surface to get an opti...

Rubber Lining, Pulley Lagging

PT. Bando Indonesia RUBBER SHEET RUBBER LINING q Hard Natural Rubber q Soft Natural Rubber q Butyl q EPDM q Neoprene q   NBR

Lowongan PT. Aneka Tambang 2011

PT ANTAM, Tbk. UBPN Nikel Maluku Utara membuka kesempatan bagi putra terbaik yang memiliki semangat berkerja. A. KEBUTUHAN TENAGA TINGKAT PENGAWAS : NO NAMA POSISI KODE POSISI DIPLOMA 3 TAMBANG 1 Pengawas Produksi Tambang PPT 2 Pengawas Pengolahan Data Eksplorasi PPDE 3 Pengawas Pengelolaan Lingkungan PPL 4 Pengawas Eksplorasi, Pengukuran & Perencanaan Tambang EPPT 5 Surveyor Tambang ST DIPLOMA 3 GEODESI 6 Pengawas Perencana Tambang PRT 7 Pengawas Grade Control PGC 8 Koordinator Pengukuran KP 9 Drafter DFT DIPLOMA 3 LINGKUNGAN/ KEHUTANAN 10 Pengawas Pengelolaan Lingkungan Tambang PPLT DIPLOMA 3 K3 (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja) 11 Pengawas KesKer (K3) PK...

Kamus teknik

bagi yg mau download kamus Teknik (dictionary of engineering) silahkan download link dibawah ini,.buruan sebelum di hapus.... lub.org__Dictionary_of_Enginee ring__2nd_Edition.l_tkx3072t8x kkxj2.pdf

Lowongan kerja Oktober PT. Bukaka

PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama is a leading national company in the design-build engineering, construction, and manufacturing areas of energy, transport and telecommunications; open opportunity for professionals to pursue careers in mega hydroelectric project in Sulawesl and Sumatra, with the following positions: 1. Environmental Officer (EO) With the following requirements: a. Male. Maximum age 26 years b. Minimal D3 Environmental Engineering c. GPA minimum 2.80 (scale 4) d. Able to operate the Arc View and AutoCAD e. Preferably have experience in construction and has a Certificate Amdal A f. Freshgraduate are welcome to apply  g. Ability to work as a team member as well as Team Leader h. Have analytical thinking and problem solving are well i. Able to speak English, both oral and written j. Liked the field work and can adapt quickly in a work environment k. Willing to be placed at the project site 2. Staff Product, Planning and Control (PPC) With the following requirem...

Lowongan PT. Aneka Tambang, Tbk.

Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk. (ANTAM) was formed as a state-owned company in 1968 and was publicly listed in 1997. The company is primarily owned by the government of Indonesia (65%). The company is listed on both the Jakarta and Australian stock exchanges, and is therefore subject to international standards in its operations and corporate governance. ANTAM is involved in exploration as well as development and production of minerals, which are concentrated on nickel, gold, precious metals and bauxite across Indonesia. Operations include joint ventures with international mining companies as well as wholly independent projects. ANTAM operations are vertically integrated and cover mining, refining, smelting and marketing. ANTAM has reported a 10% increase in revenues for 2010, up from US$701mn in September 2009 Assistant for Expert Organization Development (Asisten Ahli Organization Development) Requirements: * D3 Informatics (IT) * Minimum GPA 2.75 * Maximum age 30 years * Having experien...